Sorry it's been so long. I didn't think anyone read this blog anymore. he he. Really quick I have to write and document a milestone in our baby girls life. She went poopie in the potty!!! I was changing her and she was due for a bowel movement so I asked if she wanted to go on the potty. She said "little potty." So we got it out and put it in the Living Room, let her run around without a diaper and got her dolly and dolly's potty to sit right beside her. Well, it was cute to see Hannah and dolly come and sit on their potty's and then go play and then come back to sit and then go play. I really didn't take it seriously until the phone rang. When I got up to answer it I saw it!! Her poopie!! It's grose to talk about it, but ALL the moms out there will celebrate with me. I didn't know what to do talking to a gal who was interested in my bedset for sale and praising Hannah for her accomplishment and taking the little "token" to the bathroom to wait until I got off the phone and then we could flush it down the toliet together. LOL. I finally had to tell the lady what happened and she laughed and we ended up talking alot about that!! lol. Anyway, congradulations Hannah. Mommy is SOOOOOOOOO proud of you!!
Now we all are home sick with colds. Nothing too serious though.
Losing Sleep Over It
10 years ago