Monday, August 27, 2007

Here Is A Couple More ~

We had a Worship Team Karaoke Night at the church last night which was a blast. Thank you Sharon and Julie!!! The kids were being babysat and during our wonderful concert they snuck up to the balcony to watch. Afterward when I was walking Hannah and Josh to the car I asked Hannah what she thought of the singing. She said, "It was bad." LOL. Honesty gotta love it! (it was pretty bad = ) But so much fun.

Last night Hannah freaked out cuz' she couldn't get to sleep and got scared so I went in to calm her down. She asked me to tell her a story (she likes it when I tell her a story rather than read her one, funny) so I told her about Jesus in the temple teaching while his parents were looking for him. After the story she asked if I could sleep with her. Nope I said. I told her I needed to settle down and get ready for bed. She said, "but you need to tell yourself a story first." Sneaky little girl. LOL.

This morning is my time when I get to get away for a couple of hours by myself. I love it. It goes by so quickly. I have my chai tea and sausage/egg sandwich from Starbuck and my computer with me. What else do I need?

Last night I was surfing the web and went to America's Got Talent. They are in the process of finding people for their up and coming season!!! I thought I could send in a Broadway piece, "So Long Deary" from Hello Dolly. I don't remember seeing anyone sing Broadway performances on the show do you? Anyway, I couldn't get to sleep I was so excited about the possiblities. Then I prayed and asked God to reveal to me what He thought I should do and I would follow my heart. This morning I woke up and realized I didn't want to do it anymore. That would take me away from my family and my passion to write christian songs. Alas, my excitement was fun for a little while. But I just have such a drive to write for God and to HIm it's amazing. I don't want to get distracted.

I've written over 40 songs now. I can't help it. But I struggle because I want to be singing professionally all around the world for God's glory and purpose. However, I find myself just almost asleep when my son starts to really cry and I go in to rock him back to sleep. (I really enjoyed this moment last night) Or consumed with picking up after everyone in the family, running errands, calming arguements, doing activities, getting out for the kids, the list goes on. I am a stay at home mom and support my husband leading worship at the church. I had to come to terms with realizing these songs might not go anywhere, but God has blessed me so much with a great family I adore (most of the time lol), a great neighborhood full of possiblities to be a witness for Christ, a wonderful church family that is full of love and support. I can't write to be known or for my own ambitions and passions. I need to write because it is who God has created me to be. It is my makeup. It is my outward expression to God and for others. It is really hard to be humble. A great discipline, but hard. I've been learning a lot since living here. It's been great. So anyway. This has been a very random post, but I wanted to share my heart and get it out. I am going back to writing now. I am hoping to introduce some more songs at our Women's WOW nights this year. It is so great to be able to worship and pray together with other women. I am excited to see where God leads us.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Just Enough Time To Be Random ~

Hannah was telling me a story of something that happened to her and at the end of it she said, "and I was FREAKED out!"

We were watching the "Muppet Caper" this afternoon and Hannah asked, "Mom? Could all of them (pointing to Kermit, Piggy and the gang) come over to our house? We can make room. We have two couches!" "Mom? Do we have enough room to have them ride in our car? In the back seat, put some more car seats in?"

Josh, Hannah and I were reading a story and Josh points to the doll's dress and says, "Dress." Then points to her feet and says, "shoes."

Josh is also saying very clearing I must add, "WHAT?" To Hannah especially when she asks him a question. lol.

I gave Josh about 1/4 of a sandwich to eat in the car. When I turned around after a couple of minutes, he had shoved the whole thing in his mouth and it was stuck to the roof of it. It took him about 7-10 mins to finally swallow it. I gave him a shocked look and he just smerked like he new what he did and everything was under control. What a boy.

Hannah has been loving me like a girl plucking pedals from a flower. I love you mommy....I don't love you mommy. Mommy, I LOVE you....I DON"T love you mommy. No rollercoaster or anything.

My kids pull me in two opposite directions. I love to be with them. They are intrigueing and entertaining, but I also want to run away from them when they are demanding simutaniously and the word Mommy is my least favorite word. The joys of being a parent.

Sorry this was so short, but these days I am just trying to manage. I have been reading blogs though and catching up. Hopefully I will start to get more active in the friendship department. I've really retreated since vacation and that's not good. Sorry about that. I love each of my friends dearly. You are very special. Thank you for loving me even through my ups and downs, my failures and successes. Good night ~