Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Been A While ~

I really want to start writing again.  About what?  Just about life.  Today I woke up pretty sick with a scratchy throat, cough,  and very worn out.  It is no fun to be sick.  I look around the house and see the piles become greater and greater, dreading to get better because I know they are calling MY name and no other. Oh well.  I told Brian after dinner that I wanted to be off duty and plant myself on the couch for the rest of the evening.  Hopefully I'll go to bed early and get a good night sleep.  The kids have been terrific, cleaning their room and all.  Brian has been very helpful.  We are going to start watching "Swiss Family Robinson."  I love that movie.  Since I have started writing this I have seen a naked girl come out and want to wear a pull up like her brother and then a naked boy come out with only socks on looking for a pull up.  When does modesty start clicking for a child?  Anyway, good night ~

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