He is finally here. His name is Joshua. He was born Sunday November 27th and weighed 8lbs. 6oz. He is soooo handsome. I completely fell in love with him the moment he was placed on my chest. What an awesome day that was. Plus, my parents were there to witness his birth. They were suppose to leave that morning, but decided to wait out my labor since it was almost 24 hours long. = )
My water broke at 7:30pm. Everyone was sitting there pretty much watching me go through each contraction. My dad couldn't handle it. Poor guy I don't blame him. Brian was frantic and in his own world trying to get everything ready to go to the hospital. We got there and checked in and my contractions sped up to one every 2-4 minutes. They needed my signature for paperwork and to ask me all the questions they asked me when we PRE-REGISTERED!!!! I was soo mad. I was IN LABOR!! HELLO!! Thankfully I had my mom and Brian there to calm me down and hold me back from exploding. he he. Finally they took me to the delivery room were it took me only on hour and a half to deliver him. They weren't expecting me to be ready so quickly. When I got there I was already 6-7 cm dialated. When the doctor came in he was going to check back with me in an hour to see if I would be ready to push. I asked him what that would feel like and he told me. I said I think I feel that way NOW! He checked and I had fully dialated and was ready to push him out. I have to confess I did buckle down and get the epideral at the last minute. I was so afraid that I would scream my head off and say not so nice things if I didn't. It didn't take the whole way cuz of the speed of delivery so I was able to feel the pain and pressure of pushing.
It was such an awesome and painful experience. I swear, when they took me up to the recovery room I had already forgotten about the pain. With Hannah, ah I didn't forget for a LONG time. But with him it was a distant memory. Well worth the effort. Funny huh?
Well, I need to go and feed the little guy. Brian and Hannah are out runny errands. God has just blessed us abundantly. I'll have to tell you how much I saw his faithfulness and love during this whole thing next time. It is amazing!
Losing Sleep Over It
10 years ago
Oh yay! Welcome little Joshua! I'm so happy for you... best wishes in the sleep department! =) Hugs!
Congratulations! I'm happy to hear that you are both healthy. Hooray for a family of four!
Oh Lara, I am so glad he is here and safe. What a sweet Christmas this will be with a newborn.
PS. I had another ultra sound yesterday and the twins are looking strong and healthy!
Congratulations Lara!
I'm so happy for you!
Great work!
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