Happy Thanksgiving everyone. What a day this will be. For most of us it will be filled with family, friends, comotion, food, food, food, games, (are there football games on?), and a time around the table to give thanks. For others it might be just a time of reflection, of peace from the normal everyday grind. Whatever it will turn out to be, it will be wonderful. There is so much to be thankful for. God is extremely faithful. I want to make sure that I remember Him today.
No baby yet. = ) I had false labor Monday and Tuesday, but by Weds. it all stopped. I have been feeling like I am only 6 months along again. I went to my doctor's appt. and found out that none of that work did anything to change my progress. I prayed 'please Lord let me have this baby before my parents get here so that they could be a part of this special time.' So I have to be honest it has been difficult not getting discouraged about it. I've tried walking up and down Cosco and my neighborhood, bouncing on my exercise ball, doing chores around the house, cooking a roast, playing with Hannah, eating spicy food. I don't think there is much more I can do at this point. lol. It's so silly how the last days are just up and down with emotions and anxiety and signs of possible labor.
I have a friend who has helped me focus on the positives of this Thanksgiving holiday that has been such a blessing for me because it is easy to slip into an oh poor me attitude right now. She said this might be a good time for us as a threesome to enjoy eachother for the last time before we become four. It's true. Hannah will get lots of attention from her grandparents, Brian and I might catch a movie for a last date night lol, I might be able to go out shopping with my mom and have hang time. Just have time to appreciate the little things and hide them in my heart when I will be up with Mr. boy in the middle of the night for the next six months or so. (See if I put it that way it doesn't seem like such a bad deal does it?) Plus, my mom is going to be making her turkey dinner for us. It will be heavenly.
Well, I hope that you have a wonderful long weekend with the ones you love and if you are feeling alone this Thanksgiving remember this could be a great time to spend with God and dwell on His love and comfort. There will always be seasons in our lives, but God is always in them all. We are never alone.
Losing Sleep Over It
10 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving, Lara! Hope the baby comes soon!
You too Stephanie! I enjoyed reading about your new tradition this Thanksgiving. Hope it's wonderful. = )
Oh I just keep hoping that I'll come by and see that you had your baby! Hurry little man, hurry!
I'll be praying that everything goes very well and easy on mommy! =)
I did, I did have him. = ) We just got home today. Thanks rachel for your prayers. I'll right all about it when i can
Hi Lara,
Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby boy! I hope everything went well for you and I hope your new little one will enjoy sleeping at night time...all night. :o) Blessings to all of you!
Take care,
Cat (& Sean & Riley)
congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!
Great work!
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