I am way behind on blogging. There is so much to blog about, but little time to sit and focus on writing. Fortunately I have been up since 3:30am because Hannah came in wanting to sleep with me and now my mind is spinning and I can't get back to sleep. So I will start posting again. Please forgive me if it is a little lame to go back to what I was going to post on Father's Day. That is how behind I am lol.
It is such a blessing to have an amazing dad in my life. It would take forever to explain how amazing my dad is. He has been my councelor ever since I could remember. I would go to him with almost everything. He would let me come into his office home or work and talk to him for an hour about life and he would sit and listen. Then he would offer his wisdom and another perspective which would be so helpful in formulating a solution to whatever we were discussing. He was very diplomatic about things and always allowed me to have my own opinion. (that is why I am so opinionated and strong-willed lol) I felt respected and equal in my abilities to men. He is also a very tender man. He would sit with me in the evenings after dinner and tickle my back as he watched the news or hockey on tv. He could do that for an hour or more to show me how much he loved me. I also have a wonderful memory of him taking care of his mom in the hospital as she suffered through Dementia before she died. He would clip her nails, wash and brush her hair, paint her toenails, massage her back, sing and pray with her, take her for walks and out to eat. He was and is a great example of loving others at all times. He could put himself in their shoes and walk with them through what they were going through.
He also taught me so much about fishing and loving the outdoors. I absolutely LOVE flyfishing. It is one of the best hobbies to have. I have so many great memories of fishing out in our floatubes til the moon was out, not wanting to come in because of how serene and beautiful it was and how great the fishing was. = ) He was my mentor and teacher in music. I watched him and learned so much about being a musician. He gave me lots of opportunities to pursue my passions in singing and acting. He wanted me to thrive in what God had given me.
He also was a great example of what a pastor looked like and was suppose to be. I grew up as a pastor's kid and saw and experienced a lot of things, but my dad always kept his integrity and honor through it all. His relationship with God is real and evident in everything he says, does and feels. He is a true follower of Christ. So now as I am a pastor's wife I am able to glean from all of what I've learned from him and my mom and strive to live as they do, showing Christ's love through my life in all things as much as I can.
He loves our kids and adores them. They are now blessed to have such a great Opa to look up to and learn from.
Now my husband, Brian, is another dad who deserves to be honored. When we got married I wasn't sure how Brian would be as a dad. He had a difficult experience with his own father and he wasn't so sure he wanted to be a dad anytime soon so I was left wondering how our lives would play out. So we waited for four years until Hannah was born. Brian was hoping for a boy to rough house with, but when little baby Hannah came out, he was the first one to hold her and see her and he absolutely fell in love with her. They bonded instantly and still she can almost do no wrong in his eyes. He cherishes every moment he spends with his kids. I watch him when he plays and interacts with Hannah and Josh and he shows them equal love and attention. He respects them and shows interest in everything they do. They are definitely a huge part of his life.
I've been the bad cop and he's been the good cop for so long, but recently he had to discipline Hannah for going out into a busy street. After, I looked at him and said how are you doing? and he replied, "I think that hurt me more than it hurt her." He is a real softy when it comes to those two. He loves to be rough with Josh and for the most part Josh is all over that, but sometimes Brian is a little too rough and Josh will start to cry. Brian's eyes soften and he picks Josh up and holds him saying, "I'm sorry bud, I didn't mean to be so rough." He would do anything for them and it is obvious.
He is a great day and will continue to be as they get older. I know they will learn a lot of wisdom from their dad. He also is starting to teach Hannah how to play the violin. She got a little real one and they have a lesson during his days off. I never realized what a great teacher he was. He is so patient with her and encouraging. She always learns something new each time she plays. I will be very surprised if our kids are not musical in some way.
What a great dad his has become. I am very proud of him and look up to him so much.
So thank you dad and Brian for being wonderful examples and blessings in my life. When I stop to thank God for what he has given, I am overwhelmed with thanks for two great men in my life I adore.