Today was a bit difficult. I wish I could say I was one of those moms who is a saint almost when it comes to rearing her children, but I am not. They were too much for me to handle. Running, screaming, asking questions, whinning, dumping all of their toys on the floor (in different rooms I must ad), wanting to help in the kitchen with what I was cooking, wanting this wanting that. Do I want another one? Ah, not right now, no. But this was so funny, I so wanted to start laughing.
Hannah was too wound up before bed. It was almost 7pm and I wanted my down time to detox so I insisted on bedtime. We have a three check your disciplined rule in our house and she earned three checks in less than a minute. I told her that she was going to get disciplined if she came out of her room once. She went potty, brushed teeth, everything was set. When I was saying goodnight, I asked her if she wanted me to pray and she scratched me on the face. I said 'okay that's it.' I prayed and walked to the door she started to break down and cry and kick. I was firm with her and told her she hurt my feelings by scratching me and closed the door.
It was so peaceful for almost an hour, until I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Could this be, could she really be testing me? She opened the door. I calmly asked her what was so important that she would risk coming down to get me. This is what she said, "Mom, ah, I just wanted to say that I am sorry for hurting your feelings. I didn't mean to. When your feelings get hurt it makes you upset, angry and gushy and that isn't good. So I am sorry." Okay was she really stewing (I know wrong spelling) about this for almost and hour and decided she would risk getting disciplined to come and tell me that? Or was this a sneaky ply to get me to let her stay up some more? Ah...I didn't want to get into it with her so I decided to believe her and said thank you, that it was nice of her to say she was sorry and put her right back to bed. My three year old girl. She is a handful for me, but definitely worth it. There is never a dull moment with her around.
Losing Sleep Over It
10 years ago
Good reaction! I have to say, I think she was sincere, especially given how much time went by. Greta is that way, too. If she sees that she's hurt my feelings in some way she just can't rest until she makes it right. She's always been that way. Kids can be so tender and real! I love that! We need to take lessons from them sometimes, I think! : )
Wow...Hannah apologizing to you, after an hour, definitely says good things about your parenting, Lara! You're doing something RIGHT, that's for sure! I know sometimes we think we are failures, we couldn't handle another one, whatever the case may be...but I think you handled yourself well and I think Hannah is just so precious!
Hannah's a sweetie! YES! She can drive ANYONE crazy with 154 "why"s in an hour, but she really is precious. I'm glad she risked punishment by coming down stairs. She had something so important to say to you. I bet she felt better in her little 3 year old way!!
That is so sweet. These girls I tell you, you never really know what their ulterior motives are. I think it's good to choose to believe them, they reaaly are still learning so much...especially from us. What a great example you are for her. I like that she could feel forgiven, but still had to follow through with the consequences. You are a great mom!
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