Well another week has gone by. Quite a few things have happened this past week that have made my emotions feel like they've been on a rollercoaster ride. Weird...
We celebrated the Fourth of July at a wonderful friend's home. They invited us to be apart of their family and made us feel very welcome. They had a panoramic view of the valley. We watched 3 to 4 different firework presentations. It was relaxing and beautiful.
Then to hear about the London bombings a couple of days later was such a contrast. My heart went from content and peaceful to perplexed and heavy. Another terrible act of hatred was displayed.
From there our little family went to the doctor's office for my checkup and ultrasound. Guess what we found out??? lol.
When we got back home my brother called from his cell asking what our exit was because they were on their way to visit. I was excited, but also wasn't ready since I thought they would show up at mid-night or the next day. They didn't care and I was able to clean up the place before too long. My nephews were the cutest. Hannah liked the company, however let them know when they were crossing her boundaries. That was funny. They stayed the night and the next day we went to the park and to lunch. After they had said their goodbyes I was so sad to see them go. There just isn't anything like family. I don't know what it is, but a deep connection and hopefully a trust that has been built over the years makes it uniquely special.
Brian and I then finished the first season of "24." I had to stay up past my bedtime to watch it. That show really pulls you in. It's amazing.
Lastly, today was church. After all of the highs and lows of this past week I found myself coming back to my constant relationship with God. No matter what happens around me or to me he never changes. His promises never change. I can count on his peace, love, and faithfulness. He has proven himself over and over again through so many things. This week I asked for peace and my heart felt peace. I asked for His comfort and my heart felt comforted. I asked for his faithfulness and he proved himself faithful. Hey, I am no saint. I forget this often and find myself farther away from him then I'd like. That is why this hit me so hard. I realized my relationship with Him was the number one most important thing in my life. I can always run to Him and give all of my emotions to him and feel peace. It was so nice to remember this today. = )
Losing Sleep Over It
10 years ago
Hey Lara, I just am about caught up on all my blogs. I am so excited about the new addition to your family. I loved seeing you last night and your cute green shoes! Becca
I am so sorry that I didn't know that it was your birthday. Happy Birthday Lara. You looked really cute on Sunday at Church.
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