Some days I look at my kids and just want the day to end so we can start over with a brand new day. = ) But there are other days when the weight of the world fades, time stands still, and I am consumed with love for my children. Today was one of those days.
Hannah was so cute. She always is, but we had fun together just hanging out. I never realized I could laugh hysterically the way I would with my best friend with my baby daughter who isn't even 2 yet!! She also has a silly, sarcastic sense of humor like I do. For example, she would see a dog in a book and I would say 'oh is that a duck?' and she would look at me and laugh, shaking her head and say 'No.' Oh forget it. You had to be there. Anyway, there are some other things that probably wouldn't translate, however I want to include them for documentary sake.
Like the way she'd ask me to blow a 'big bubble.' Her expression was just so adorable. She also likes to say 'uppies on the bed, uppies on leg, uppies on mom, uppies on crib, uppies on chair', you get the idea. She was "helping" me make pizza dough this afternoon (almost choked on a handful of flour!) and I gave her a couple of gummy bears for a treat. She, for whatever reason, now calls them 'gummyaches.' Don't ask me how she got that. It was soooo cute though. I can't bring myself to correct her. It is just too much fun to listen to. When Josh is crying and I am in the other room, she will say to him "It's okay Josh, you're alright. Ahhh, It's okay." She is starting to want to help me around the house with little cleaning projects. Today she learned how to jump on the bed for the first time. She has always been more of a verbal child than active. So now she is really trying to jump up and down. It seems to help when she is on the bed. A couple of times she has tried to jump on the floor and has landed on her bumb. How do us as parents stop from laughing when these funny things happen to our children. I hope I don't end up giving her a complex.
Josh loves to be kissed by his mouth. He loves to be tickled. He is already reaching for my plate when we're eating at the table. He kicks and bounces a lot in his bouncy chair. He loves to cuddle with his mommy. He is starting to hold his head up. Still a bit wobbly, but getting better. I have to say that since I've had Josh I love being home more with the two of them. Don't get me wrong, they definitely can be a handful, but they also can fill my days with joy and fun.
On days like today Hannah and Josh make me want to have more.!?!@?! Crazy, but cool.
Losing Sleep Over It
10 years ago
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