Sunday, December 31, 2006


Happy New Year Everyone. Hope you all have a great new year!

No matter what happens, what we strive for, what struggles may come our way, what new and exciting things in store, the memories we will make, let's put our relationship with God first in our lives. Let's go to Him first with everything that is on our minds. He is the creator of everything, of us all. He deserves to be our center.

My heart longs for you God. It's yours. Use me in whatever way you choose. I am nothing, Lord. Please make me into something this next year 2007, bringing glory and honor to your name. I love you.

Good Night ~


Anonymous said...

This is such a great blog. I second the amen from Leslie!!!!

The Davis Family said...

Hi Lara, I sent you an email at your hotmail address awhile ago in response to your question about "anymore for you and Sean?" I didn't hear back from you so I wasn't sure if you ever got it. Yes - we're almost 11 weeks along and kinda past the worst part I hope. I'm starting to actually go out of the house again(when it's not snowing or sleeting).
I heard Kurt might do a gig in Salem and it's *possible* Sean might play for him, but it all kinda depends on whether or not it gets worked out and when it would be.
I hope you're all doing well. It's always good to read your posts about the kids...they're so cute! :o) ~ Cat