Wow, such response to my last two posts! That's awesome. I thought I would answer some of the questions they brought up. When Hannah said that prayer and said she wanted to go to heaven. I first was thinking "does she know something I don't know. Like an insight into the future.", but I just smiled and said, "oh, really honey. uhuh." = ) Thankfully it didn't come true yet, so she's still with us. I found out that it is never too early or too late to tell someone about Jesus.
Now, regarding the 8 random things I listed. I had fun reading everyones responses. = ) Now, Quickies is a place not an action. lol. I love to read the Yellow Pages to see what attractions a city has, the maps of the city and where parks, restaurants, libraries are, and in the back they usually have coupons. I like to get out and experience a city (i've moved around a lot) so the Yellow Pages is a great tool for me.
I traveled to Poland with a Vocal Jazz Group in 12 grade. We stayed in hostels and sang at churches, theatres, schools, etc. Sharing the gospel. I LOVED Poland very much. The people there were soooo giving and hospitable. I loved their language and their food. The cars would park on the sidewalks. The buildings were full of character and history. We even went to the boarder of Russia and Poland and got a couple Russian dolls that open up to smaller and smaller dolls. There was a lot of history and experience in most of their eyes. I knew I could learn a lot from them. Oh, and I visited a consentration camp. Too much to tell you about that experience. It was so overwhelmingly sad.
In Germany we stayed in a five star hotel because our flight was overbooked (i think we each got $500.00 too). The speed limit was super high. I remember speeding down the freeway in our bus. People loved to smoke and drink beer there. The food was good. It was snowing there and we walked the streets of Hiedleberg and went to a castle of some sort where Mozart and his father visited. It had a room with a floor to ceiling barrel of beer. It was about three stories tall.
After graduating from High School I was chosen to represent Canada as a World Vision Youth Ambassador. We went to Teipei, Taiwan to stay with 50 other YA's from 50 different countries. We were suppose to live in a "global community" to prove we had more in common then not and could live peacefully together. We promoted peace and reconciliation and traveled all around Taiwan singing and dancing in a choir with our Nations Costume (mine was a Mounty Uniform) lol. Met the president of Taiwan and gov't officials, traveled to Mexico City, Mexico was on there TV program, all over the US was on Good Morning America, CNN, went to the United Nations and spoke with our Ambassadors, sang at the World Bank, The Kennedy Center, went to the World Vision head quarters. I was interviewed by a christian station in Vancouver, BC. It was an incredible and unforgettable experience.
I dated the guy from Guatemala. = ) So I went to Guatemala to visit him and his family. We toured there a bit and visited Atitlan. It was a great experience, but also an emotional experience. We were very close to getting engaged, but I knew in my heart I didn't love him. I also got a bacterial infection and was hospitalized. When I got home I was very weak.
But I had been asked to go to Calcutta, India two weeks after Guatamala to be a special guest singer for "Mission of Mercy's" Christmas Tree production. Lilly Knolls was suppose to go, but couldn't so she asked my mom's good friend who was a singer, but she couldn't so she asked me. Why? I still have no clue, but she did and I accepted. So I flew there still sick and sang two our of the 5 nights or vise versa I can't remember. I was hospitalized the other days due to my infection. It was aweful, I was so embarrassed, but they were very gracious and kind. I would love to go back and make it up to them somehow. We were right next to Mother Theresa's hospital which was exciting for me, but I never actually saw her. It was noisy in Calcutta. They have no rules for driving on the streets so you hear honking all day long. What a different culture, but beautiful at the same time. The people there were in so much need. Right when I got off the plan people without legs or eyes, on crutches, etc. were bombarding us, asking for money, food, whatever. It was so sad. We had a stop in New Delhi on the way back, oh I stoped in Taiwan, then slept over in Tailand, then flew to Amsterdam and stayed overnight there.
I'm telling you I am convinced that God has put beauty in everyplace around the world to enjoy. He is everywhere and His people are all so beautiful and special. I hope to travel again someday. = )
Now what were the other ones? Ice cream, yes, I have one scoop of mint chocolate chip and one scoop of pinnapple coconut in a waffle cone together. I don't know how I came up with that combo, but it works for me.
I know Spanish from learning it in school, friends, and traveling. I know French from studying it with a private teacher for a little while. I know Italian from singing and learning Italian Art Songs. I know German from German songs and my German grandparents. I know Mandrin Chinese from living in Taiwan for three months. I know Canadian from being born Canadian lol. I know Polish from being in Poland. Languages are so fun for me. I wish I had a great retaining memory so I could be fluent in all of them. = )
I honestly can't remember the rest. So I think I'll stop for right now and pick up again soon. I still want to post pictures of Halloween and talk about this great Worship Musician's Summit Brian and I went to. Hopefully soon. = )
Losing Sleep Over It
10 years ago
Wow, you truly have been quite a few cool for you! I always wanted to travel and still do. Ah, SOME day...SOME day. When my kids are grown...
Thanks for sharing. Glad to see you posted. Been missing you...
Wow, you have been well traveled. As for me I've only been to 6 states. Some day we will take a road trip to all 50 states and maybe one day out of the country.
~Danielle :)
SO cool! I loved reading all about your travels!
Wow - I think I remember talking to you about some of those things but I'd forgotten a lot. The languages is pretty cool. I've heard there are close ties with musical abilities and languages and that makes sense. I'm sure given time in any country you would pick up a language quickly.
Those are really awesome experiences. :o)
~ Cat
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