Sunday, March 04, 2007

I Have A Question ~

For the past few days I've been stumped as to what to do with my almost 3 year old and 1 year old to keep them entertained other than movies. We don't have a yard so I can't let them run around outside. Does anyone have some creative ideas they would like to share? Thanks. = )


Ashley said...

I don't have many ideas for the one year old except filling a ziploc sandwich bag with hair gel and glitter. The child squishes it and it is very tactile. Also, you can fill a empty soda bottle (the 20 oz. type) with colored water, beads, glitter, etc. The child then shakes it up and enjoys it. Make sure that you hot glue the cap to the bottle so the child can't open it. Your three year old can help you make both of those items. If your children like to color which prettty much all children do, then you can photo-copy (in black and white) a few of the illustrations from their favorite books and then your children have their own custom coloring pages. Also, because sometimes the copies can come out too dark to color, you can trace the illustrations yourself and then let them color what you've traced. Craft projects are good ideas too. I can think of making a spider and a bunny offhand. I have one last idea but it may be a bit messy. You can spray shaving cream on a cookie sheet and then add a few drops of food coloring. The kids can then "finger paint". They just draw designs in the shaving cream with their fingers.Most children though just enjoy the feeling of squishing the shaving cream through their fingers. I hope I was at least a little help.

Ashley said...

Also, if you make the ziploc bag with the hair gel, make sure you hot glue the bag closed for safety.

Anonymous said...

Wow, GREAT ideas from Ashley...

That's about what I was going to say...crafty items are always good.
Child-safe scissors, glue, construction paper, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, paint, markers, oh, WONDER markers would ease the stress of the mess for you!...also, you can go online to to copy off coloring pages.

Alida said...

My kids still love to play with water and although...well wet..I've let them since they were old enough to stand on a chair safely. I'd fill the sink about half way and bring out the tupperware! I actually have some plans I made up for them when Isabela was 1 and Luke 2 1/2. I can make copies for you. I didn't always stick to them, but it felt good to be able to have something planned. What can I say? Once a preschool teacher, always a preschool teacher.

Lara said...

Thank you guys. What awesome ideas. Ashley I totally want to start those projects. Erin thank you for reminding me about crafts. I want to go to Walmart today and stock up. Alida, sure I would love to see your plan for the day. Anything would help. = )

Alida said...

I was hoping to give you some stuff on tuesday, but Isabela was sick. I'm putting some stuff in the mail tomorrow. Look for it.