Tuesday, August 05, 2008

What Am I Waiting For?

Good question. I am waiting for God. I am in a waiting room. I have told you a little about my singing/songwriting journey and that is part of it. There are things that are being worked out right now, but God hasn't opened any specific doors yet, so I wait.

I find myself walking through each day without dwelling on the future too much because I can't see the answers. It has been good.

Yesterday I felt God telling me to take a break from the computer all day and spend time with Him. So I did. That was so hard to do. But I had some wonderful times of prayer and hearing God speak to me through His word. It was a good break. I know He hears my prayers. I know, He knows what I am listening to in my worship times, what the kids and I are doing, how I am feeling. I asked Him to reveal Himself to me two days ago and He did. (I'll write more about that soon). So since I am confident He knows, I wait.

Let's just say I am growing in character. = )


1 comment:

Sharon said...

God's waiting room is so tough, but you have an awesome perspective on it. I'm proud of you! I hope Friday goes really well!! : )